Furina is among the best support units in Genshin Impact. With proper gear and stats, she can be a valuable addition to most team comps. Considering the nuances of her kit, she requires a lot of HP and Crit to perform optimally. Additionally, she also has a high Energy Recharge requirement to maintain consistent uptime on her Elemental Burst.
Furina is a 5-star Hydro character and wields a sword. Her signature weapon, Splendor of Tranquil Waters, offers her Crit DMG and HP, allowing her to deal high damage with more rounded stats. However, players can also opt for other suitable gear to boast desirable stats on their Furina in Genshin Impact.
Best stats to build on Furina in Genshin Impact
Ideally, the Hydro Archon Furina should be built for high HP with the Golden Troupe artifact set. Her damage scales off her max HP, and so does the buff she offers, making it a crucial stat to build on her. It is recommended to have over 25k HP on Furina for best performance.
Aside from that, travelers are also suggested to build a lot of Crit Rate and Crit DMG alongside ample Energy Recharge.
Players should try to build the following amount of Energy Recharge to maintain a full uptime on Furina's Elemental Burst:
- Solo Hydro: 200% ER
- Solo Hydro with Favonius Sword: 180% ER
- With additional Hydro unit: 150% ER
In order to reach the mentioned threshold of ER, they can opt for an Energy Recharge weapon or Sands, along with artifact substats. Here are all the substats players should build on Furina:
- Crit DMG
- Crit Rate
- HP%
- Energy Recharge
- Elemental Mastery
- Flat HP
When it comes to the main stats for the artifacts, they should select the following for an optimal build:
Sands | Goblet | Circlet |
ER / HP% | HP% / Hydro DMG Bonus | Crit Rate / Crit DMG |
While it may be lucrative to use a Hydro DMG Bonus goblet for Furina, it's important to note that HP% offers similar damage with more buff, making it a better choice.
Crit stats for Furina with different weapons
Depending on Furina's weapon option in Genshin Impact, players will be able to reach different ranges of Crit Rate and Crit DMG. It is generally recommended to have a Crit ratio of 1:2 for ideal gameplay.
Here are the recommended Crit ratios for the best Furina weapons:
- Splendor of Tranquil Waters: 70/200
- Primordial Jade Cutter: 70/200
- Light of Foliar Incision: 70/200
- Key of Khaj-Nisut: 60/180
- Mistsplitter Reforged: 60/180
- Wolf Fang: 60/180
- Festering Desire: 60/150
- Fleuve Cendre Ferryman: 60/150
For more information and updates, follow Sportskeeda's Genshin Impact hub.
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