Hogwarts Legacy is a magical adventure across a world set in the Harry Potter series of novels and media. It features fantastic otherworldly creatures that players can capture and add to their collection in the Vivarium in the Room of Requirement.
One such exotic species of magical beasts include the Jobberknolls, which will be the focus of this particular article.
Note: Spoilers for certain story elements of Hogwarts Legacy will follow. Viewer discretion is advised.
Finding Jobberknoll dens in Hogwarts Legacy
There are six Jobberknoll dens in the in-game world of Hogwarts Legacy, as seen by animal paw marks on the world map. Unfortunately, the animal paw marker can refer to any animal, making the process rather cumbersome.
For ease of reference, players can look at these locations, which contain an abundance of these beasts:
- The first location is southwest of the San Bakar Tower Floo station. Players can head here to find a Jobberknoll den.
- For the next location, head south from the Marunweem and exit the town to find the den.
- Another Jobberknoll den is found in Bainburgh, near Manor Cape. Make your way eastward to find the den.
- The fourth den is located west of Irondale and is relatively easy to come across.
- Yet another den can be found within Manor Cape as well. Make your way to the road from the Floo Station and head south to find it.
- The sixth and final Jobberknoll Den is found near Hogwarts Valley.
How can players acquire Jobberknoll Feathers?
To acquire these Feathers, players must first rescue and capture the beasts, which can be accomplished in the following steps:
- As a prerequisite, you must have completed the main story quest, “The Elf, the Nab-sack, and the Loom,” before capturing the beasts.
- Make your way to the locations that spawn the Jobberknolls.
- Sneak across to the beast, making sure not to alert it. The Disillusionment charm is heavily recommended.
- Bring out the Nab-sack and follow the two button prompts to capture it.
- You can always use the Arresto Momentum or Levioso spells to buy yourself some time.
- A light grey, white dotted special Shiny Jobberknoll can also be found.
- Next, head to the Vivarium in the Room of Requirement.
- After releasing the Jobberknolls, make sure to brush and feed them.
- Doing so will reward the player with five Jobberknoll Feathers they can collect and use.
Make sure to clear your inventory before collecting Jobberknolls. Players can also choose to release them into the wild if they so wish or sell them for 120 Galleons each at the Brood and Peck in Hogsmeade.
What is Hogwarts Legacy?
Hogwarts Legacy is the latest wizarding adventure from developers Avalanche Software and publisher WB Games, based on the Wizarding World franchise. Players take control of a fifth-year student in the 1800s, fresh into Hogwarts, as they face unseen dangers and a conspiracy that threatens to throw the entire wizarding world into chaos.
The game was released on February 10, 2023, for the PC, Xbox Series X/S, and PlayStation 5 to very positive reviews. A Nintendo Switch port is in development and is scheduled for release later this year.
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