It took more than four years to bring Carmela Knight's killers to justice, one of whom was her estranged husband, David Knight, who was accused of being the mastermind behind the murder-for-hire plot. He, along with the hired killer, were later convicted of first-degree murder, conspiracy, and arson charges.
David, described as an "empty soul," was convicted of all charges and is currently serving time in prison. Carmela's mother, Franca Agosta, was heard addressing the court during his sentencing, saying:
"He was supposed to love and protect Carm, not murder her. He had no mercy for Carmela, and the court should have no mercy for him."Meanwhile, one of their neighbors reportedly said, "it’s just sad for the kids," referring to what had transpired.
The accused was sentenced to life in prison, only to be eligible for parole after 25 years. Additionally, the prosecution also requested penalties of 20 years for conspiracy and six years for arson.
Read ahead to learn more about the case.
David Knight described as an "empty soul" and a "despicable human being" by wife's family
It was claimed during David Knight's prolonged trial that he hired a hitman to get his wife, Carmela, murdered after she learned about his affair with a Floridian woman. Additionally, it was also alleged that he wanted her out of the way so that he could relocate to Florida and begin a new life with his lover.
On September 15, 2014, Carmela was attacked and murdered by Graham MacDonald, who first beat her up and strangled her to death. He then lit her body on fire in their garage in Pebblestone Crescent to hide all evidence. MacDonald was found guilty of first-degree murder in a 2018 trial and is currently serving a life sentence in prison.
According to prosecutor Kristen Pollock, Knight was the "puppet master" who steered and assisted MacDonald, calling his actions "irredeemable." Pollock further added:
"He has not expressed any remorse for the atrocity he committed."According to testimony given in court, Knight's actions robbed Carmela's family, friends, and especially her young sons of a devoted and caring mother.
Carmela Knight's mother Agosta reportedly spoke of her daughter's kindness, revealing:
"She always found the good in people and was always kind. She died terrified and alone, fighting for her life."She further added:
"David came from nothing. He is still nothing, but an inmate in jail."Nancy Burridge, Carmela's sister, criticized David Knight for conspiring to murder his own wife, stating:
"David has an empty soul and is an arrogant, despicable human being that does not deserve to be a father. Seeing David behind bars is a good look — like he always deserved to be there."Carmella and David Knight's neighbor said that the incident affected "neighbours and friends, too"
One of Carmela and David Knight's neighbors from Pebblestone Crescent, named Greg Howard, claimed that,
"The worst part is that it’s just sad for the kids. They lost their mom, now their dad."Speaking about the Knights, Howard reportedly said,
"They looked, for all intents and purposes, to be very affluent -- and we tend to equate that with happiness."He further added,
"The impact of this has been not just on the family; it’s neighbours and friends, too. It’s staggering, the impact this had on the community."Several others called them good neighbors while also acknowledging that Carmela Knight was a private and a "quiet" woman. Many pointed out that the family seemed "normal." Neighbor Brendan Schroeder claimed that he "remembers seeing them there, playing and riding their bikes." He also expressed his concerns, saying:
"I think that’s unbelievable to have on my street. That’s kind of scary."Learn more about David Knight's involvement in wife Carmela's 2014 murder on NBC Dateline's episode this Friday, October 28, 2022.
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